The Temple
Over a year ago I incorporated my ministry. The ministry has several missions. Responding to disasters being one of the primary ones.
As well as events and the ordaining of other Clery.
A secondary mission is to support NJ’s Naval Militia Joint command.
NJ’s modern day Navy is part of the Organized Militia of New Jersey. The organize militia of New Jersey is made up of the New Jersey Army, National Guard, the New Jersey Air, guard, and the naval Militia joint command.
The mission of the New Jersey Naval Militia joint command is to:
Be a back up for the National Guard
Provide the governor with access to Subject matter, experts.
also see my free e-book
BG Biel’s speech
On 9–11–01 enemies of the United States Attacked the World Trade Center, The Pentagon, a plane was hijacked and was heading for the Capital. NJ’s organized militia took immediate action F16’s from the 177th fighter wing were already in the air during the attack. MG Paul Glazer told them to go to the crisis. They went supersonic and went to the Pentagon and flew the first combat air patrol after the attack.
The Naval Militia Joint Command was in the water that day. They ferried people to and from ground zero. Subsequently seasoned officers, with decades of experience, manned the Joint operations center, freeing up young lieutenants to do whatever young lieutenants do.
The Disaster Military assistance teams did their thing.
The Chaplin corps provided services to those at ground zero, in fiskill NY where the evidence was processed, to the soldiers and airmen guarding the bridges and tunnels.
For five years the National Guard on state active duty guarded the nuclear power plant.(s)
The Joint Commands State Active Duty was severely curtailed by 2002 and it has maintained its fleet ( at little or no cost to)